How to Educate People About the Harmful Effects of Smoking (Cigarettes) Using Augmented Reality on Android Smartphones
الكلمات المفتاحية:
Augmented Reality (AR), Smoking Awareness, Behavior Changeالملخص
The purpose of this paper is to try and develop an Augmented Reality Application for Smoking Cigarettes. Such an application can help in preventing the harmful effects cigarettes have on the health of a person and other people around them. The data that will be used will be a sample questionnaire distributed among cigarette smokers to try and determine what they need as a picture to discourage them from smoking. After looking into this it was noticed that having images that show cigarette burning can have significant effects on the brain of a person thereby reducing the need for a cigarette. At that particular time hence for using augmented reality to show such images can reduce feeling of wanting to smoke. Limited research concerning the use of augmented reality in trying to stop cigarette smoking, contributed toward the development of such a paper.